About me

My name is Gérald Barré , aka meziantou . I'm an experienced software developer with more than 10 years of experience in the industry.

I have a strong background in C#, .NET, and web development, as well as a deep understanding of software architecture and design patterns. I'm also proficient in many other technologies, such as SQL Server, PowerShell, Docker, and Azure. I'm an expert at writing clean code that is easy to maintain and understand. I'm passionate about building high-quality software solutions and take pride in my work. I'm always eager to learn new technologies and love to experiment with different technologies to find the best solution for each problem.

In addition to my professional work, I'm highly involved in the tech community. I'm a recognized Microsoft MVP for my contributions to the developer community, which include speaking at tech events, writing technical blog posts and contributing to open-source. I'm also a maintainer of various open-source projects, such as Meziantou.Analyzer or Meziantou.Framework. I'm passionate about sharing my knowledge and expertise with others through my blog, which can be found at https://www.meziantou.net.