ProjectsTalksArchivesAboutContactArchives (605 posts)
- Using Snapshot Testing to validate EF Core schema
- Migrate from MSTest to xUnit using a Roslyn analyzer
- Roslyn Annotations for Code Fix
- Using Roslyn to analyze and rewrite code in a solution
- Enhance Your .NET HttpClient with HSTS Support
- Exploring CollectionsMarshal for Dictionary
- Signing commits in Git using SSH keys on Windows
- Reading USN Journal with .NET
- Generating SBOM for NuGet packages
- Using the binary log to find the source of a .NET dependency
- NuGet Packages: security risks and best practices
- Update dependencies in nuspec file using Renovate
- Embedded Languages Supported by Roslyn
- Stop using diagnostic verbosity in MSBuild
- How to copy a docker image from one registry to another
- Listing all cloud folders in Windows using .NET
- How to remove diacritics from a string in .NET
- Understanding OverloadResolutionPriority attribute in C# 13
- Allow incoming ping requests on Windows machines
- Disabling HSTS for localhost using a browser extension
- Using Mutex<T> to synchronize access to a shared resource
- Waiting for a ManualResetEventSlim to be set asynchronously
- How to export user aliases from Microsoft Entra using PowerShell
- Why do I write blog posts?
- Automated tests
- Turn off all LEDs on a Raspberry Pi
- Useful resources to write Roslyn Analyzers
- Create a bootable USB drive for Windows Server
- Why you should use an AdBlocker?
- Stop a script when an error occurs in PowerShell
- Enable NuGet auditing for your .NET projects
- Activator.CreateInstance(Type) may return null
- How to output a SARIF file from a .NET project
- Improve the tree view settings in Visual Studio Code
- Improve PowerShell performance by disabling progress bars
- Sharing the Renovate configuration across multiple projects
- Create a multi-arch Docker image for a .NET application
- How to test a Roslyn analyzer
- Roslyn analyzers: How to
- How to avoid conflicts when testing your dotnet templates locally
- How to check if a DLL and an exe is a .NET assembly
- How to use the latest target framework available for a .NET SDK
- Using type aliases to make code clearer with generics
- Computing code coverage for a .NET project
- Creating ico files from multiple images in .NET
- Json schema validation in .NET
- Convert DateTime to user's time zone with Blazor in .NET 8
- Generate OpenAPI specification at build time from the code in ASP.NET Core
- Set a blank page for new tabs in Microsoft Edge
- Optional parameters may appear in the middle of the parameter list
- Enable AutoLogin in Windows using .NET
- Getting all exceptions thrown from Parallel.ForEachAsync
- Creating an HttpClient that uses DNS over Https
- Enable the new TerminalLogger in .NET 8 SDK automatically
- Checking if a collection is empty in C#
- How to get assembly code generated by the JIT for a C# method
- Difference between CultureInfo.Get and new CultureInfo
- Making primary constructor parameters read-only
- Getting a handle for a directory in .NET
- Weak events in C#
- Resilient HttpClient with or without Polly
- Removing history versions of a file on OneDrive for Business
- Inline Snapshot testing in .NET
- How to monitor changes on a website
- Embedding additional files in an MSBuild binary log file
- Removing allocations by reducing closure scopes using local variables
- Reading a stream of JsonDocuments separated by new lines (ndjson)
- File paths in a Roslyn analyzer or source generator
- Customizing the behavior of record copy constructors
- Customizing the name of embedded resources in .NET
- Get the default value of a type at runtime
- How to test the logs from ILogger in .NET
- How to write logs from ILogger to xUnit.net ITestOutputHelper
- Accessing private members without reflection in C#
- Listing Windows virtual desktops using .NET
- Turn off monitors when locking the computer
- How to convert YAML to JSON with PowerShell Core
- How to stay up to date with .NET
- Supporting custom protocols in WebView2
- Sharing object between .NET host and WebView2
- Polyfills in .NET to ease multi-targeting
- Analyzer to validate the parameters of structured log messages
- Micro-optimization: Concatenating a string with a char using string.Concat
- Keeping your software up to date using winget and PowerShell
- How to cancel GitHub workflows when pushing new commits on a branch
- How to access the Roslyn compilation from a VS extension
- Tracking click on anchors in an HTML page
- How to use RuntimeHelpers.IsReferenceOrContainsReferences to micro-optimize collections
- Using rclone to backup OneDrive or Google Drive
- Debug ASP.NET Core application configuration
- Disabling HSTS for localhost on Chromium-based browsers
- How to detect Globalization-Invariant mode in .NET
- Generate large files using PowerShell
- How to Control Visual Studio from an external application
- Reading Windows Application Manifest of an exe in .NET
- Retrying a bash command
- Detecting Dark and Light themes in a WPF application
- Investigating a crash in Enumerable.LastOrDefault with a custom collection
- Listing all available ETW events in a .NET application
- Handling CancelKeyPress using a CancellationToken
- Too many timers in .NET?
- Measuring performance of Roslyn Source Generators
- Testing Roslyn Incremental Source Generators
- Extending the System Menu to add advanced commands in .NET
- Creating a custom Main method in a WPF application
- Prevent accidental disclosure of configuration secrets
- Using source-generated regex in ASP.NET Core route constraints
- Mocking an HttpClient using ASP.NET Core TestServer
- Using .NET code from JavaScript using WebAssembly
- Reducing Blazor WASM size by providing custom ICU data
- Detecting breaking changes between two versions of a NuGet package at packaging time
- C# 11 List Patterns - Create compatible types
- Adding dark theme to a website
- Generating a dump file when tests hang on a CI machine
- Self-hosting Chromium extensions
- Prevent http requests to external services in unit tests
- Starting a process as normal user from a process running as Administrator
- Killing all child processes when the parent exits (Job Object)
- 39 Misconceptions about date and time
- Debugging tips and tools
- Pasting text without formatting
- New rules for Blazor in Meziantou.Analyzer
- Configuring Visual Studio to manage using directives automatically
- Publishing a NuGet package using GitHub and GitHub Actions
- Ensuring best practices for NuGet packages
- How to generate a dump file of a .NET application
- Writing unsafe .NET code without the unsafe keyword
- Detecting Double-Writes in MSBuild using the binlog
- Getting user consent before executing sensitive code
- Performance: string.Create vs FormattableString
- Regex with IgnoreCase option may match more characters than expected
- Generating PInvoke code for Win32 apis using a Source Generator
- Using a custom build pipeline with Azure Static Web Apps
- Faster and Safer NuGet restore using Source Mapping and Lock files
- Running Lighthouse CI when deploying Azure SWA
- Using IAsyncEnumerable in a Razor component
- Replace characters in a string using Vectorization
- Finding the maximum value in an array using vectorization
- Faster Guid comparisons using Vectors (SIMD) in .NET
- Observing all http requests in a .NET application
- Using Avif codec for images to reduce web page size
- Using AV1 video codec to reduce web page size
- Round-robin DNS support in .NET HttpClient
- Performance: Lambda Expressions, Method Groups, and delegate caching
- Copying a collection: ToList vs ToArray
- Enabling IntelliSense for GitHub Actions workflows in VS Code
- Getting telemetry data from inside or outside a .NET application
- Sharing coding style and Roslyn analyzers across projects
- How to list all routes in an ASP.NET Core application
- Uploading multiple files using InputFile in Blazor
- Forcing HttpClient to use IPv4 or IPv6 addresses
- Converting code to the new Regex Source Generator
- Performance benefits of sealed class in .NET
- Validating a Blazor Form on the first render
- Executing code before Main in .NET
- Restore old right-click context menu in Windows 11 Explorer
- Executing GitHub Actions jobs or steps only when specific files change
- Update all Visual Studio instances from the command line
- Debugging a WebView2 component using Playwright in .NET
- Avoid DNS issues with HttpClient in .NET
- Parallelize test cases execution in xUnit
- Awaiting an async void method in .NET
- Deleting GitHub Actions artifacts using the GitHub REST API
- Using HTTP/3 (QUIC) in .NET
- Getting Roslyn (C# compiler) and Language versions
- Remove those useless File.Exists calls
- Fastest way to enumerate a List<T>
- Distributing applications that depend on Microsoft.Playwright
- Updating your project to use File Scoped Namespaces
- Monitoring a .NET application using OpenTelemetry
- File upload with progress bar in Blazor
- Visual Studio Tips and tricks: Subword navigation
- Creating a search engine for websites using Elasticsearch and Playwright
- Finding Duplicate Documents in MongoDB
- Downloading a SSL/TLS certificate in .NET
- I fixed a bug. What should I do now?
- Generate PDF files using an html template and Playwright
- Investigating an infinite loop in Release configuration
- How not to read a string from an UTF-8 stream
- Exploring the NuGet client libraries
- Enabling Reproducible builds when building NuGet packages
- Prevent refreshing the UI after an event in Blazor
- Reducing the length of GUIDs in URLs or Json payloads
- Configuring JSON options in ASP.NET Core
- Upload files with drag & drop or paste from clipboard in Blazor
- Removing elements after an animation in Blazor
- How to measure elapsed time without allocating a Stopwatch
- Locating MSBuild on a machine
- Supporting Hot Reload in your .NET application
- Infinite scrolling in Blazor
- Exploring Fluent Assertions
- Caching Enum.ToString to improve performance
- Different ways to check if a value is null in C#
- The Roslyn analyzers I use in my projects
- Finding concurrency bugs in a .NET application using Coyote
- Debugging a .NET assembly without the source code with Visual Studio
- Understanding the impact of Roslyn Analyzers on build time
- Debouncing / Throttling JavaScript events in a Blazor application
- Convert SVG files to PNG or JPEG using .NET
- Building .NET projects using the Microsoft.Build.Traversal SDK
- Tracking Cloudflare Worker requests using Application Insights
- Using raw html with isolated CSS in Blazor
- Be careful when mixing ValueTask and Task.Run
- Rewriting git history using C# (git filter-branch alternative)
- Binding decimal numbers using the oninput event in Blazor
- Running npm tasks when building a .NET project
- Automatically update WSL distributions using the Windows Scheduler
- Strongly-typed Ids using C# Source Generators
- Visualizing the code coverage results from Azure Pipelines in Visual Studio
- Multi-targeting a Roslyn analyzer
- Packaging a Roslyn Analyzer with NuGet package references
- Correctly converting a character to lower/upper case
- Automatically generate a form from an object in Blazor
- Simplifying paths handling in .NET code with the FullPath type
- Canceling background tasks when a user navigates away from a Blazor component
- Running GitHub Super-Linter in Azure Pipelines
- Defining NuGet restore sources in the csproj
- How not to create paywall
- Caching an IEnumerable<T> instance
- Never forget a #if when multi-targeting .NET libraries or applications
- Using .NET and PowerPoint to generate cover images
- Investigating a performance issue with a regex
- C# 9 - Improving performance using the SkipLocalsInit attribute
- Process.WaitForExitAsync is not the async equivalent of Process.WaitForExit in .NET 5
- Rendering raw/unescaped HTML in Blazor
- C#9 - init-only properties are not read-only at runtime
- How to get ASP.NET Core logs in the output of xUnit tests
- Optimizing Blazor performance using the @key directive
- Enumerating files using Globbing and System.IO.Enumeration
- Publishing a self-contained Blazor component (Razor + CSS + JS) as a NuGet package
- Capturing unmatched attributes and attribute splatting in Blazor
- Testing Blazor components using bUnit
- Creating a reusable loading indicator in Blazor
- Writing automated UI tests for ASP.NET Core applications using Playwright and xUnit
- Validating an input on keypress instead of on change in Blazor
- Streaming an HTTP response in Blazor WebAssembly
- Deploying a .NET desktop application using MSIX
- JavaScript Isolation in Blazor Components
- Calling public methods on Blazor component from another component
- CSS isolation in Blazor
- Lazy load assemblies in a Blazor WebAssembly application
- Using foreach with IEnumerator<T> / IAsyncEnumerator<T> in C# 9
- Copying text to the clipboard in a Blazor application
- Anchor navigation in a Blazor application
- How to use event.PreventDefault in Blazor
- Splitting code and markup into different files when creating a Blazor component
- Running and debugging a .NET Core application in WSL 2 from Visual Studio
- Optimizing a Blazor WebAssembly application size
- Using SQL Server HierarchyId with Entity Framework Core
- Showing a confirm dialog before doing an action in Blazor
- How to prevent the UI from freezing while executing CPU intensive work in Blazor WebAssembly
- Dynamically setting the page title in a Blazor application
- Avoid performance issues with JsonSerializer by reusing the same JsonSerializerOptions instance
- Checking if a property is an auto-implemented property in Roslyn
- Bypass HTTP browser cache when using HttpClient in Blazor WebAssembly
- Preventing double form submission in a Blazor application
- Auto focus an input element in a Blazor form on page load
- Binding parameters from the query string in a Blazor component
- Enforcing asynchronous code good practices using a Roslyn analyzer
- Generating and efficiently exporting a file in a Blazor WebAssembly application
- Optimizing JS Interop in a Blazor WebAssembly application
- Storing user settings in a Blazor WebAssembly application
- Detecting missing CancellationToken using a Roslyn Analyzer
- Creating a DataGrid component in Blazor
- ASP.NET Core Blazor components lifecycle
- Creating a Modal component in Blazor
- Exploring two-way binding in Blazor
- Creating a InputSelect component for enumerations in Blazor
- Showing a loading screen while initializing a Blazor application
- Customizing the Blazor WebAssembly loading screen
- Convert DateTime to user's time zone with server-side Blazor
- Creating a Repeater component with Blazor
- Publishing a Blazor WebAssembly application to GitHub pages
- Integrating Blazor components into Razor Pages and MVC apps
- Visual Studio Tips and tricks: Add project reference using drag & drop
- Versioning an ASP.NET Core API
- Opening Windows Terminal from the explorer
- How to change the default shell in Windows Terminal
- Security headers in ASP.NET Core
- Per virtual desktop single-instance application
- Handling aborted requests in ASP.NET Core
- Don't use methods with side-effects in LINQ
- Convert cmd scripts to PowerShell
- Get the result of multiple tasks in a ValueTuple and WhenAll
- Referencing an analyzer from a project
- Quick introduction to xUnit.net
- Split a string into lines without any allocation
- Show unnecessary imports in the Visual Studio's error window
- HTML multiple selections with datalist
- Using Monaco editor as an input in a form
- Sanitize HTML snippets with AngleSharp
- Using Windows Antimalware Scan Interface in .NET
- ASP.NET Core - JSON logger
- Optimize struct performances using StructLayout
- Struct equality performance in .NET
- How to correctly count the number of characters of a string
- How to protect against XML vulnerabilities in .NET
- Enforce .NET code style in CI with dotnet format
- Check if the current user is an administrator
- Prevent Zip Slip in .NET
- Prevent Zip bombs in a .NET application
- Deserialization can be dangerous
- Thread-safe observable collection in .NET
- Declaring InternalsVisibleTo in the csproj
- Fire and forget a Task in .NET
- Visual Studio Tips and tricks: Paste as JSON
- Visual Studio Tips and tricks: Open the documentation of a symbol
- How to use C# 8 Indices and Ranges in .NET Standard 2.0 and .NET Framework
- Visual Studio Tips and tricks: Default startup project
- How to use Nullable Reference Types in .NET Standard 2.0 and .NET Framework
- Visual Studio Tips and tricks: Find the current opened file in the solution explorer
- Visual Studio Tips and tricks: Regex editing
- C# 8: Nullable Reference Types
- Visual Studio Tips and tricks: Undock/Re-dock a tool window
- Regex - Deny of Service (ReDoS)
- Visual Studio Tips and tricks: Extend/Reduce selection
- Visual Studio Tips and tricks: Multi-line and multi-cursor editing
- Nullable<T>: Value vs GetValueOrDefault() in term of performance
- Visual Studio Tips and tricks: Open recently closed files
- Custom certificate validation in .NET
- Visual Studio Tips and tricks: Clipboard history
- StringBuilder performance best practices
- Website performance: How I've improved the performance of this website?
- Website performance: Why and how to measure?
- Why do I use a password manager?
- How to avoid storing secrets in the source code?
- Implementing Two-factor authentication in an ASP.NET Core application
- Automatically log in a user on a website using the Credential Management API?
- Helping users to create good passwords
- Convert music files from FLAC to ALAC
- How to prompt for a password on Windows?
- How to store a password on Windows?
- How to implement Password reset feature in a web application?
- How to store a password in a web application?
- Cryptography in .NET
- CI/CD pipeline for a Visual Studio extension (VSIX) using Azure DevOps
- Stop using IntPtr for dealing with system handles
- .NET Regex: \d is different from [0-9]
- Creating a FontAwesome bundle with only the icons you use
- ConcurrentDictionary + closure = 💔
- String comparisons are harder than it seems
- Some performance tricks with .NET strings
- Computing code coverage for a .NET Core project with Azure DevOps and Coverlet
- Working with types in a Roslyn analyzer
- Writing language-agnostic Roslyn Analyzers using IOperation
- Loading stylesheets asynchronously using a TagHelper in ASP.NET Core
- Writing a Roslyn analyzer
- Inlining a Stylesheet, a JavaScript, or an image file using a TagHelper in ASP.NET Core
- Inlining a stylesheet using a TagHelper in ASP.NET Core
- Integrating Google Analytics using dependency injection in ASP.NET Core
- Caching http requests for faster debugging
- Smart enums / Type-safe enums in .NET
- Use structures to improve the readability of your code
- Integration testing using a docker container
- Getting the date of build of a .NET assembly at runtime
- Exploring a MSBuild binary log using the binary log viewer
- Merging assemblies using ILRepack
- A tool to help you identify unused CSS rules
- C# compiler strict mode
- How to document an ASP.NET Core Web API using OpenAPI Specification (swagger)
- How to debug NuGet packages using SourceLink
- How to create a good bug report using Problem Steps Recorder
- How to enforce a consistent coding style in your projects
- Setting up my development machine
- How to publish a dotnet global tool with .NET Core 2.1
- Tip: Disable Windows Error Reporting (WER)
- Tip: Automatically create a crash dump file on error
- Write your own DOM element factory for TypeScript
- Library Manager, a client-side library manager in Visual Studio
- Which version of EcmaScript should I use in the TypeScript configuration
- Get the name of a TypeScript class at runtime
- JWT authentication with ASP.NET Core
- Hide your email address on GitHub
- Cancelling Console.Read
- Detecting console closing in .NET
- Generate an HTML form from an object in TypeScript
- Load native libraries from a dynamic location
- Comparing files using Visual Studio Code
- Test JavaScript code using Karma, Mocha, Chai and headless browsers
- Comparing files using Visual Studio
- MSTest v2: Testing against multiple frameworks
- MSTest v2: Execute tests in parallel
- MSTest v2: Customize test execution
- MSTest v2: Create new asserts
- Tip: Download Sysinternals tools from the console
- MSTest v2: Test lifecycle attributes
- Validation made easy with decorators
- MSTest v2: Data tests
- Starting a TypeScript project with Visual Studio Code
- MSTest v2: Exploring asserts
- Import polyfill using dynamic imports in TypeScript
- MSTest v2: Setup a test project and run tests
- How to migrate from JavaScript to TypeScript?
- Live unit testing in Visual Studio 2017 Enterprise
- Aspect Oriented Programming in TypeScript
- Filter Application Insights events in ASP.NET Core
- Change the colors of the Windows console
- Get an email when a new release of TypeScript is available using Microsoft Flow
- Using SSH on Windows
- Performance: string concatenation vs String.Format vs interpolated string
- Interpolated strings: advanced usages
- Combining modules with TypeScript
- Introduction to TypeScript modules
- Colorize the log in the Google Chrome console
- Detect missing await in TypeScript
- Detect common JavaScript errors with TypeScript
- TypeScript - nameof operator equivalent
- Quickly test SQL Server using Docker
- Compiling TypeScript using Gulp in Visual Studio
- Comparing implementations with BenchmarkDotnet
- Windows Console (cmd) Tips
- TypeScript - External Helpers Library
- Still not using TypeScript?
- Mocking an HttpClient using an HttpClientHandler
- Reset Windows Password
- Using Dropbox File Picker in a website
- Display toast notifications in a WPF application
- Using OneDrive File Picker in a website
- Testing EF Core in Memory using SQLite
- Starting a http file server from the file explorer using .NET Core 2.0 and Kestrel
- Upload files and directories using an input, drag and drop, or copy and paste with HTML5
- Debugging your .NET application more easily
- 4 ways to enable the latest C# features
- Testing an ASP.NET Core application using TestServer
- Entity Framework Core: History / Audit table
- Application Insights - Track HTTP Referer
- Suppress "Use 'throw' expression" suggestion
- Entity Framework Core: Specifying data type length and precision
- Entity Framework Core: View the model as text
- Validating user with cookie authentication in ASP.NET Core 2
- Use brotli compression with ASP.NET Core
- Analyse your code with NDepend
- Entity Framework Core: Soft Delete using Query Filters
- InternalsVisibleTo with strong-named assemblies
- Entity Framework Core: Generate tracking columns
- Using the Google Translate API in .NET or .NET Core
- Entity Framework Core: Naming Convention
- Cookie authentication in ASP.NET Core 2 without ASP.NET Identity
- Minimal ASP.NET Core Web API project
- Continuously publishing Nuget package to MyGet using VSTS
- Enable BitLocker AES-XTX 256 encryption algorithm
- Lock a BitLocker drive without restarting
- Post-Redirect-Get and TempData with ASP.NET Core
- ASP.NET Core - Precompiling razor views
- FileSystemWatcher intermittently throws an exception on Linux
- Creating a chat bot from a FAQ with Azure Q&A Maker
- Mixed producer-consumer scenario in .NET
- Starting a http file server from the file explorer using .NET Core
- Publishing an ASP.NET Core website to a Linux host
- Adding a free SSL certificate to a website hosted on nginx using Let's Encrypt
- Registering an Application to a URI Scheme using .NET (custom protocol)
- Using Application Insights to keep a site online
- Detect 404 errors with Application Insights
- Use Application Insights in a desktop application
- Generate a self-signed certificate for code signing
- Generate a changelog from VSTS work items
- Improve the security of your website using SSL and HSTS with ASP.NET Core
- Get the localization and time zone of your visitors
- Quickly insert millions of rows in SQL Server in .NET
- Be notified when a new release is created in a GitHub repository
- Advanced email address validation in .NET
- Improve the login experience with the Credential Management API
- Minify CSS and JavaScript files with Visual Studio and ASP.NET Core
- Enabling gzip compression with ASP.NET Core
- Caching static resources forever with ASP.NET Core
- Easily manage command-line arguments
- Page redirection and URL Rewriting with ASP.NET Core
- Generate an ico file from a list of images
- Test Webhooks with ngrok
- Easily generate dynamic html using TSX
- SQL Server 2016 SP1 - Licensing changes
- Using Web Sockets with ASP.NET Core
- Using Let's encrypt with ASP.NET Core
- Give focus to a ComboBox editable in WPF
- IIS Express & SSL
- Créer une extension pour Chrome/Opera/Vivaldi 🇫🇷
- Executing untrusted JavaScript code in a browser
- Creating an extension for Chrome / Opera / Vivaldi
- Ecrire un aspect personnalisé pour chiffrer et déchiffrer les valeurs d'une colonne 🇫🇷
- Convert a VMDK (VMWare) file to VHDX (Hyper-V)
- What's new in SQL Server 2016: Always encrypted
- What's new in SQL Server 2016: Temporal Tables
- Using the dev version of TypeScript with Visual Studio Code
- What's new in SQL Server 2016: Live Query Statistics
- What's new in SQL Server 2016: Stretch Database
- What's new in SQL Server 2016: Row-Level Security
- What's new in SQL Server 2016: Dynamic Data Masking
- Optimize the loading of images on a website
- Bootstrap + SASS = ♥
- Exploring the SQL Server Database Project in Visual Studio
- Deploying a SQL Server Database with Data-Tier Application (dacpac)
- Comparing execution plans with SQL Server
- What's new in SQL Server 2016: JSON
- The Keynote 'Introduction to R' at DEVIntersection
- The Keynote 'Windows Server Nano (aka TUVA)' at DEVIntersection
- How to make a Star Wars effect in HTML / CSS
- The Keynote 'Cloud' at DEVIntersection
- To CDN or not to CDN? Why do you need to choose?
- Showing code blocks on your blog
- Rich text editor in HTML and JavaScript
- ASP.NET 5 & Static Files
- SQL Geography, Google Maps & Geolocalisation
- Debugging a .NET assembly without the original source code using DotPeek
- SQL Server - Change Data Capture (CDC)
- Record audio with JavaScript
- SQL - Export the contents of a table
- Scan a document with Windows Image Acquisition
- Recursive queries with SQL Server
- Identifying missing indexes with SQL Server
- SQL Server - Discovering the HierarchyId data type
- Aider les équipes support avec Problem Steps Recorder (PSR) 🇫🇷
- Find a guid in a SQL Server database
- Utiliser l'API de OneDrive depuis une application Windows 🇫🇷
- Using FontAwesome in a WPF application
- ASP.NET WebForms Validators & Bootstrap
- How to deploy an application?
- Creating a compilation workflow for SASS with Grunt
- Application Recovery and Restart
- Prevent Windows shutdown or session ending in .NET
- SignalR and Fiddler
- jQuery Unobstrusive Validation and Bootstrap
- Detect the opening of a new window in C#
- Introduction to GoldParser
- Run a SQL batch containing "GO" in C#
- Export a list of .NET objects to Excel
- Easy reflection using a DynamicObject
- Test the connection to a SQL Server database
- How to bind an enum to a ComboBox in WPF
- Single instance of an application in C#
- Creation of a registration form with AngularJS and Bootstrap
- Write more generic WPF Converters
- Creating a Parser for Boolean Expressions
- OWIN and Katana - Creating an authentication middleware
- Web API & HTTP Basic Authentication
- Sauvegarder un mot de passe dans une Windows Store App 🇫🇷
- How to run a scheduled task
- Windows Credential Manager 🇫🇷
- Access the WinRT API from a desktop application
- Combine multiple .NET assemblies
- Windows Data Protection API (DPAPI) 🇫🇷
- Presentation of ExportSrc
- View and edit the Tab Order of Windows Forms Controls
- Mots de passe oubliés 🇫🇷
- Stockage des mots de passe 🇫🇷
- Code Contracts 🇫🇷
- PEX & Code Digger
- Enable Framework .Net 3.5 Offline
- ASP MVC: Mass Assignment
- Cross-site scripting (XSS)
- How to prevent CSRF attacks
- SQL injections
- Show file extension in a SharePoint document library
- HotKey – Global shortcuts
- Impersonation and security
- Computing the size of a folder
- Binding the VisualStateManager to a property
- Choosing the right data structure
- Hyper-V - difference between Save and Pause
- SharePoint - Fail to upload certain file types with the Multiple Documents Upload window
- IIS - FTP with passive ports
- Install WordPress on IIS 7
- Install Windows Phone 7 Developer Tools on Windows Server 2008R2
- Performance test on empty string
- Using Bing Translation in .NET
- Unit tests with a WPF window
- Is the code coverage a sufficient metric
- ExcludeFromCodeCoverage Attribute
- Merge code coverage results
- Enable code coverage in Visual Studio 2010
- Validation with PostSharp
- Cloning an object in .NET
- IEnumerable.Any() or IEnumerable.Count() != 0
- List all files in a folder and its subfolders with linq
- Using SecureString
- Easily use the Entity Framework cache
- Universal value converter
- The var keyword
- Access private members of a class using reflection
- Singleton and Lazy<T>
- Rex: Regular Expression Exploration for .NET
- Pluralize or singularize names
- Visual Studio - Delete whitespaces at the end of lines
- How to retrieve SQL generated from a LINQ to Entities query
- Generic WeakReference
- Refresh a WPF control
- What's the usage of AsEnumerable
- Accessing a nested type from xaml
- Serialize DependencyObjects
- Freezable objects
- Backup your MySQL database from php
- Defining an element of a project as a sub-element of another
- Subscribe to routed events even if they are handled
- UI and threads with WPF
- Do not show the designer when opening a xaml file
- Subscribe to events launched by children of an ItemsControl
- How to enable concurrent sessions in Windows 7?
- WordPress - Error 500 with 1&1 and OVH
- MVVM – Model-View-ViewModel
- String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace
- Rooter son rack (EPITA) 🇫🇷
- Live meeting : WPF4 et Multitouch (initiation) 🇫🇷
- CodeFluent Entities free for non-commercial uses 🇫🇷
- Sortie d’Office Mac 2011 pour les étudiants 🇫🇷
- Le retour du projet Hoshimi 🇫🇷