- Ctrl+Left arrow move the cursor to the previous word
- Ctrl+Right arrow move the cursor to the next word
- Ctrl+Delete or Ctrl+Backspace delete words instead of characters
- Shift+Click or middle click on task bar starts a new instance of the application
- Ctrl+Shift+Click on task bar starts a new instance of the application as administrator
- Ctrl+Shift+Enter in the start menu start the application as administrator
- Win+# (1,2,3, etc.) opens the application at the # position in the taskbar
- Win+Shift+# (1,2,3, etc.) opens a new instance of the application at the # position in the taskbar
- Ctrl+Win+Shift+# (1,2,3, etc.) opens a new instance as administrator of the application at the # position in the taskbar
- Win+Home minimize all background applications
- Win+I opens the settings
- Win+A opens the action bar
- Win+Left arrow or Win+Right arrow snap the current windows to the left or right
- Win+Shift+Left arrow or Win+Shift+Right arrow move the current windows to the other screen (require multiple screen)
- Ctrl+Win+Left arrow or Ctrl+Win+Right arrow change the current desktop
- Ctrl+C in an message box copies the content of the message box to the clipboard
- Ctrl+Shift+Escape opens the Task Manager
- Win+Shift+S starts the screen capture and put the screenshot in the clipboard
- Win+. or Win+; opens the emoji keyboard
- Win+E opens the explorer
- Win+T focus the taskbar
- Win+X opens the power-user tool menu
- Win+S Cortana search
- Win+M minimizes all opened windows
- Win+Shift+M restores all minimized windows
- Win+L locks the session
- Win+I opens the settings
- Win+V opens the clipboard history
#Visual Studio
- Ctrl+L cut the current line
- Ctrl+K,D formats the current file
- Ctrl+Alt+Left arrow move the cursor to the previous subword
- Ctrl+Alt+Right arrow move the cursor to the next subword
- F2 rename the current symbol
- Ctrl+Shift+B build the current solution
- CTRL+R searches in history commands
#Microsoft Outlook