Signing commits in Git using SSH keys on Windows
Signing commits in Git is a way to verify the authenticity and integrity of your commits. This ensures that the commits are indeed made by you and have not been tampered with. On Windows, it's easy to set up SSH-Agent for easy signature. Here's how you can do it.
First, you need to install SSH on Windows. Open a PowerShell window as an administrator and run the following command to install the OpenSSH client:
Add-WindowsCapability -Online -Name OpenSSH.Client
You can check the status by running the following command:
Get-WindowsCapability -Online | Where-Object Name -like 'OpenSSH.Client*'
Now, you can create your SSH key pair. Run the following command in PowerShell Core:
$passphrase = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter passphrase" -AsSecureString
$KeyName = "git"
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C $KeyName -N (ConvertFrom-SecureString -AsPlainText $passphrase)
To avoid entering the passphrase every time you use the key, you can add it to the SSH Agent. First, need to start the SSH Agent service and set it to start automatically:
Set-Service -Name ssh-agent -StartupType Automatic
Start-Service ssh-agent
Then, you can add the key to the SSH Agent:
ssh-add $env:USERPROFILE\.ssh\id_ed25519
You can validate that the key is added by running the following command. It should display the public key:
ssh-add -L
Optional: you can delete the private key if you want as it is now persisted in the SSH Agent. The ssh-agent persists the keys across sessions and reboots.
Let's configure Git to use the SSH key for commit signing. First, you need to install Git. You can use winget
to install it:
winget install --id Git.Git --exact
Finally, you need to configure git to use the SSH key for signing commits. Run the following commands in a PowerShell window:
# Use the SSH key for signing
git config --global user.signingkey (Get-Content $env:USERPROFILE\.ssh\
git config --global gpg.format ssh
git config --global gpg.ssh.program (Get-Command ssh-keygen.exe).Source
git config --global core.sshCommand (Get-Command ssh.exe).Source
# Sign commits and tags by default
git config --global commit.gpgsign true
git config --global tag.gpgsign true
The last step is to register the SSH key with your Git provider. You can find the public key in the .ssh
folder in your user profile directory. Copy the contents of the
file and add it to your Git provider.
- GitHub:
- GitLab:
For GitHub, you can also use GitHub CLI to add the key:
gh ssh-key add $env:USERPROFILE\.ssh\ --title git --type signing
#Verifying the commit signature
You can validate the setup by creating an empty commit and signing it:
git commit --allow-empty --message="Testing SSH signing"
On GitHub, you should see a "Verified" badge next to the commit message:
You can also validate the signature locally. First, you need to add your SSH key to the list of allowed signers:
git config --global gpg.ssh.allowedSignersFile $env:USERPROFILE/.ssh/allowed_signers
$email = (git config
$key = (Get-Content $env:USERPROFILE/.ssh/
$signer = "$email $key"
echo $signer | Out-File $env:USERPROFILE/.ssh/allowed_signers -Append
Then, you can validate the signature of the commit:
git show --show-signature
This setup allows you to validate the commit you created using your SSH key. If you want to validate the commits signed by other people, you'll need to add their key to the allowed_signers
file. For GitHub, you can query SSH keys using the GitHub API:
gh api /users/meziantou/ssh_signing_keys
Then, you can add the key to the allowed_signers
file and run the previous command to validate the signature.
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