Tracking click on anchors in an HTML page

  • Gérald Barré

There are many ways to track when a user clicks on a link in an HTML page. Most of them require loading a JS script and registering the click event for all <a> elements. More recently, the ping attribute was introduced to the <a> element. It allows to specify a URL to ping when the link is clicked. So, there is no need for a JS script.

The ping attribute is well-supported. Only Firefox disables this feature by default. Also, Ad Blockers may block the ping request (as they would block the JS script anyway). So, the global support is about 93.61%:

Can I use

Using the ping attribute provides some benefits:

  • <a ping> works when JavaScript is disabled.
  • <a ping> requests are background requests. When the user leaves a page, the ping request will not be aborted.
  • <a ping> requests' response body is ignored; the browser is allowed to immediately end a connection when a response body is sent by the server. This may reduce the server and browser resources.
  • <a ping> responses are not cached as it's a POST request, so every ping will result in a request to the server.

Here's an example of a ping attribute:

<a href="/demo" ping="/ping">Demo</a>

You can process the ping requests in your ASP.NET Core application. For example, you can log the ping request in the console:

var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);

var app = builder.Build();

app.MapPost("/ping", ([FromHeader(Name = "ping-from")]string from, [FromHeader(Name = "ping-to")] string to) =>
    // TODO Do something with the ping request
    Console.WriteLine(from + " -> " + to);
    return Results.Ok();


If you need to distinguish <a> on the same page, you can use a query string parameter. For example, if you have two links on the same page, you can use <a ping="/ping?id=Link1"> and <a ping="/ping?id=Link2"> to distinguish them.

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